Breaking of Bread Meeting / Lord's Supper -- 10 to 11:15 AM (approx) EVERY Sunday

You are invited to observe as the assembly (“local church”) of Christians worships and remembers the Lord Jesus Christ with hymns, prayers, and the sharing of bread and wine.
This meeting of the assembly is referred to in the Bible as “the Lord’s Supper” in 1 Corinthians 11:20 and the "Breaking of Bread" in Acts 2:42.
At this meeting you will notice a table in the center of the room with a loaf of bread and a cup of wine on it.
Although these are only symbols, they are filled with meaning as the bread reminds us of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, while the cup reminds us of His precious blood --- together they remind us of His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. Heeding His request shortly before His death on Calvary, we`re *remembering Him* in worship and communion.
In keeping with the pattern laid out in the New Testament, various brethren guided simply by the Spirit of God will lead in worship and hymns until the bread is broken and it and the cup are passed to those in the local fellowship.
As part of the worship, an offering will be taken for the Lord`s work. You will NOT be solicited. Toward the close of the meeting, the Bible will be opened, read and commented upon
While all are heartily invited to observe, as the Scripture teaches, sharing in the bread and cup is only for those who are in the fellowship of the assembly or visiting from a similarly gathered assembly with a letter of commendation. (Romans 16:1-2)
The Lord’s Supper is ONE of TWO New Testament ordinances --
The Lord Jesus said in Luke 22:19, "this do in remembrance of me”. At His request, and in His remembrance we partake of the symbolic bread and cup.
“Only bread, and only wine, Yet to faith the solemn sign,
Of the heavenly and divine, We give Thee thanks O Lord”
This meeting of the assembly is referred to in the Bible as “the Lord’s Supper” in 1 Corinthians 11:20 and the "Breaking of Bread" in Acts 2:42.
At this meeting you will notice a table in the center of the room with a loaf of bread and a cup of wine on it.
Although these are only symbols, they are filled with meaning as the bread reminds us of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, while the cup reminds us of His precious blood --- together they remind us of His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. Heeding His request shortly before His death on Calvary, we`re *remembering Him* in worship and communion.
In keeping with the pattern laid out in the New Testament, various brethren guided simply by the Spirit of God will lead in worship and hymns until the bread is broken and it and the cup are passed to those in the local fellowship.
As part of the worship, an offering will be taken for the Lord`s work. You will NOT be solicited. Toward the close of the meeting, the Bible will be opened, read and commented upon
While all are heartily invited to observe, as the Scripture teaches, sharing in the bread and cup is only for those who are in the fellowship of the assembly or visiting from a similarly gathered assembly with a letter of commendation. (Romans 16:1-2)
The Lord’s Supper is ONE of TWO New Testament ordinances --
- The 1st is baptism, which in symbol declares, “I died with Him.”
- The 2nd is the Lord’s Supper, which in symbol declares, “He died for me!”
The Lord Jesus said in Luke 22:19, "this do in remembrance of me”. At His request, and in His remembrance we partake of the symbolic bread and cup.
“Only bread, and only wine, Yet to faith the solemn sign,
Of the heavenly and divine, We give Thee thanks O Lord”